A New Year and a Book for a New You!

Like most years, 2019 has been a year of ups and downs for me. Thankfully, a few more ups than downs!

One of the big positives was discovering the book Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life. Unlike most self-help books, which usually feature titles that make promises they never keep, this book actually did change my life, and for the better!

I bought the Kindle version in January 2019 for a very simple reason: it was incredibly cheap! It was on sale at Amazon for $0.99, and I had $0.75 in credit. So, the book only cost me $0.24, by far the best quarter I have ever spent!


From the title, I thought the book was going to be about productivity and time management. I find that I never have enough hours in a day, and I was hoping I could find one or two tips that would help me save some time.

The book sat unopened on my Kindle until just a few months ago, in October. I was starting to wear down, and I figured the book might help.

My first big surprise was that the book was really about Ayurveda, not time management. I had no idea what Ayurveda was, so this was a bit of a shock. If you’re not familiar with Ayurveda either, here is a very brief explanation, from ayurveda.com:

In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “The Science of Life.” Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is often called the “Mother of All Healing.”
— Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc

The book, written by Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar with Michelle Seaton, gives many suggestions as to how you can change your schedule and improve your health.

I focused on only a few, ones that made sense to me, and ones that were easy to implement:

  1. I would eat my largest meal of the day at noon, not in the evening, when I could.

  2. I would eat a light meal in the evening before it gets dark and not snack afterwards.

  3. I would practice interval training (walk very fast for 1 minute and at a normal speed for 2 minutes for a total of 21 minutes) before I ate breakfast in the morning.

  4. I would scrape the bacteria off my tongue with a tongue scraper.

I wasn’t sure about number 4, but I happened to be in a pharmacy shortly after reading the book. By coincidence, tongue scrapers and tongue cleaning gel were on sale, so I figured what the heck. It couldn’t hurt.

It’s only been a few months, but everything Dr. Kshirsagar said would happen has indeed happened. I’ve lost some weight, and I love my morning walks. Both my health and my outlook have improved! I just feel better.

Learning more about Ayurveda is one of my main goals for 2020. I just purchased a few more books about it as Christmas presents for myself, and I’m reading one now. And I’ll reread this book. As I said, I barely scratched the surface!

I just checked Amazon, and you can read Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life for free if you have Kindle Unlimited (I don’t). Otherwise, it’s $9.99. That’s more than I paid, but knowing what I know now, I think the book is definitely worth it.

You can’t really put a price on your health and feeling better, can you?

Whether you buy it or not, I wish you a very happy and healthy 2020! And I thank you for reading!